2021 / Duration: 18 mins
Becoming moss. Becoming bacterial. Becoming lichen. Becoming human-host-body. Becoming vampiric parasite. As we are forced into isolation by a nature we belong to, regarding our singularity has never seemed so difficult. Our symbiosis has manifested itself, overwhelming. So we wallow in our pasts, unable to conjure our present as we destroy our future.
Becoming Moss is constructed to represent a psychic flux of internal and external time. It puts into dialogue our internal psychic time, muddied by our minds ability to conflate past and present into one perception, and external, geological time that elapses steadily. These two liminal zones are representative of our first and second bodies.
We play symbiotic host body to various other life forms. What happens to our edges and sense of self when we are made aware of this? Could this help us rethink the importance, not only of community, but also of the political formulation of the capitalist individual?
Through a lens of ancestral traces, both human and animal, Becoming Moss is a consideration of deep time through a lens of our currently fragmented claustrophobic viewpoint. The resultant video is a witness to humanity’s bearing on our planet.